
Sheena Ringo 15th Anniversary "Toutaikai" - Translations

Here are some translations from the Toutaikai shows, mainly what Ringo said in some of the MCs and the voice-over tracks of the "The Truth About the Rumours Corners".

All of these were found in the 2ch Shiina Ringo board and are rough translations done by me and Yahiko. I'll put the original text too, of course.


Sheena Ringo 15th Anniversary "Toutaikai" - Setlists

Another concert tour, another setlists post. This time I'll try to gather the setlists for each of the 5 days of the 党大会 (Toutaikai) shows and also of the 2 班大会 (Hantaikai) shows.

The Hantaikai shows are limited to Ringohan members and the last one will be live broadcast at a large number of cinemas, so it's likely that's the day we'll get on the future DVD/BR release.
The Toutaikai shows will all happen at the Bunkamura Orchard Hall, and the Hantaikai shows will happen at the Hamarikyu Asahi Hall. Also, every concert will open doors at 6PM and start at 7PM.


"IT WAS YOU" and "Netsuai Hakkakuchu" both get a PV

Most of you should be aware of this, considering the 1 million views the Yasutaka Nakata collab-song already has, but in case you weren't, I'll just leave this here.

PS - Let's hope for another million in 2 days.

EDIT: Full version of "Netsuai Hakkakuchu" was uploaded too.